Welcome to our 1.75hr class on DOB grids, one of the most fascinating topics in numerology.
Originally recorded with the help of my Patreon group on 20 January 2024.
Topics include:
0:00 Icebreaker - a movie which represents your life now
7:17 Energy Clearing - Hoop of Light (4min) Inspired by one of my teachers Julianna.
15:05 Your DOB Grid - life paths and how to draw your grid. You'll need a pen and paper.
35:12 Q&A...how failing in public makes me a better teacher!
47:13 Lines of strength explained (8 variations)
59:02 Q&A e.g. 29/11/2 life paths, CEO formation (1-2-3 and 3-6-9), why 9's don't open up etc.
1:10:27 Lines of opportunity explained (7 variations)
1:22:00 Q&A e.g. Missing 3-5-7 the line of scepticism in detail - why these people need to make up their own minds without pressure. Also what if you have 'no' lines in your grid? Plus, how Twin Flames have similar charts. We finish with 'something you enjoyed today'.
With best wishes,
Sarah and the 11:11 Angels